Investigation Firm Specialised in Financial Investigations

Our Firm intervenes in the defence of the legitimate interests of its clients in civil and commercial matters, both in the pre-litigation and litigation phases, as well as in support of the execution of judicial decisions.

Investigative Due Diligence

We intervene by carrying out strategic due diligence to support better-informed decision making for our clients regarding their clients, investors, business partners or competitors, whether individuals or legal persons.  

icône - Enquêtes destinées aux créanciers

for creditors

CAPITAL INVESTIGATIONS offers its know-how in debt collection through solvency inquiries and asset tracing, pre-litigation protective measures and assistance in the execution of outstanding debts.

icône - Enquêtes destinées aux investisseurs

for investors

CAPITAL INVESTIGATIONS is able to deal with a vast array of legal, strategic or human matters through an independent analysis of the risks related to the acquisition target or its environment, by carrying out ad hoc due diligence or investigations in the context of legal disputes.

icône - Enquêtes destinées aux particuliers

for individuals

CAPITAL INVESTIGATIONS intervenes on behalf of individuals in the context of family law or inheritance disputes involving complex estate or financial situations (divorce, compensatory allowance, misappropriation of inheritance, probate litigation, undue influence, incapacity, etc.).

We provide holistic advice on complex financial situations through in-depth due diligence and investigative support for litigation.
Capital Investigations - Enquêtes Financières - enquêteur de droit privé en France et à l'étranger
Capital investigations - icones

A subsidiary of the AVERA Group, specialised in the assistance to companies’ assets and know-how, CAPITAL INVESTIGATIONS is dedicated to complex investigations.

Our multidisciplinary team deals mainly with technical cases involving high financial stakes, complex fraud and debt recovery.

Our specialties include the search for tangible or intangible assets, the unravelling of elaborate offshore structures, the concealment of income or assets and fraudulent bankruptcy.

CAPITAL INVESTIGATIONS defends the legitimate interests of its clients in civil and commercial matters. As litigation specialists, we assist our clients in the pre-litigation and litigation phases as well as in the enforcement of legal decisions.

CAPITAL INVESTIGATIONS also intervenes upstream of any strategic decision by carrying out strategic due diligence and providing apposite solutions.

With the strength of our network, built up over decades by our parent company, CAPITAL INVESTIGATIONS is able to carry out investigations throughout France and internationally while delivering the industry best practices.









Director of investigations

Directeur d'enquête dédié - interlocuteur unique

A dedicated
single point of contact

The establishment of a genuine collaboration with our clients guarantees the relevance of our interventions. Each case is handled by a dedicated investigation manager bound by professional secrecy, in order to increase efficiency, security and transparency.

Directeur d'enquête dédié - interlocuteur unique

An international

CAPITAL INVESTIGATIONS is able to investigate, to retrieve documents or to obtain precise information abroad through the network maintained for several decades by its parent company AVERA.

Directeur d'enquête dédié - interlocuteur unique

A high level of
expertise and analysis

Our multidisciplinary team has the ability to retrieve and analyse legal, financial and human data in complex environments in order to provide the information necessary for the protection our clients’ interests.

Directeur d'enquête dédié - interlocuteur unique

An authorisation issued by the Ministry of Interior

In accordance with Article L622-9 of the French Code of Internal Security, CAPITAL INVESTIGATIONS is authorised to operate under license No. AUT- 094-2119-03-05-20190706358, issued by the Conseil National des Activités Privées de Sécurité, an agency of the French Ministry of Interior.


Are you looking for information about the profession of private investigator or the process of a case? Here are most of the answers.

All the most frequently asked questions are listed in our FAQ – find them by clicking on the button below.

Is private investigation a regulated activity?

Subject to the respect of a strict legal framework, the profession of private investigator is regulated in France.

This activity is defined according to the Title II of the Book VI of the Code of the Internal Security, more precisely by the article L.621-1 of the CSI, which states :

” The profession which consists (…) for a person, to collect, even without mentioning their quality or revealing the object of their mission, information or intelligence intended for third parties, in the context of the defense of their interests “.

In addition, in accordance with article L.622-9 of the CSI, the private investigator must obtain, prior to being legally able to practice, an authorization issued by the CNAPS (Conseil National des Activités Privées de Sécurité) a dependency of the French Ministry of Interior which regulates and controls activities of private security through verification of the required diplomas, morality and criminal records.

What is the legal value of your investigation reports?

The French Court of Cassation has established the admissibility of investigation reports in courts of law (C. Cass., Civ 2, 7-11-1962, n°1020).

In the name of the principle of freedom of evidence, the investigation report is thus considered in the same way as any other means of proof, and its appreciation is left to the magistrate in charge of examining it.

According to the jurisprudence, the investigation report intended to be produced in court must be objective, detailed and comprehensive. In this respect, we scrupulously respect the legal obligations and the necessary editorial specifics.

The reports are admissible before civil, commercial, employment and criminal courts.

Can you lift bank secrecy?

Article L.511-33 of the Monetary and Financial Code only authorizes the transmission of information covered by bank secrecy to the administrative, banking or judicial authorities in the context of procedures that are listed restrictively.

The use of a private investigator to obtain information covered by banking privacy is therefore illegal.

Can you obtain bank accounts?

No information can legally be collected by a private investigator concerning the movements on a bank account or its balance.

On the other hand, in possession of an enforceable title or order, the private investigator is allowed to identify bank accounts held on national territory on behalf of its client.

Can you carry out financial investigations abroad?

CAPITAL INVESTIGATIONS is able to intervene on the whole national territory and internationally through the network constituted over the years by its parent company AVERA.

Can you obtain financial information on a future partner?

In order to protect the interests of our clients and to support better-informed decision making, we regularly carry out investigations to verify the accuracy of the information provided by a future partner, a potential investor, etc.

iphone investigation firm specialised in financial investigations

For any information, do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail via the form below or directly by phone on +33 1 48 92 92 49, our switchboard is open from Monday to Friday from 10am to 7pm.